Compromised Churches

Compromised Churches

Across our nation in many churches today the prophetic words of 2 Timothy 4:3-4 have sadly been fulfilled. The passage states,

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

All one has to do is to turn on the television or pick up the daily newspaper to find either a church, and/or some association, denomination, or convention of churches surrendering the doctrines and teachings of God’s Word unto man’s corrupt sinful pleasures of self-gratification. This has been manifested throughout many congregations where they teach that “God-is-love only”, that He is incapable of wrath or punishment, that sin is OK and repentance is unnecessary – all for the expressed purpose of appealing to a very large audience, because sinful man does not want to hear, “All men, women, boys, and girls are sinners [Romans 3:10, 23]; Because we are sinners, the wages of sin is death [Romans 6:23]; We must be born again; Jesus died for all [John 3:3-7; John 3:16; Romans 5:8; John 5:24]; All who refuse to repent and through faith trust in Jesus Christ unto God’s salvation will perish and suffer eternal damnation [Matthew 3:2; Luke 13:3; Acts 20:21; John 8:24; Revelation 20:14-15]”.

One might ask, “How has this come to be?” The answer lies within God’s Word. When Christians, who are members of local New Testament assemblies, abdicate their God given responsibility to study God’s Word, to know God’s Word, to live by God’s Word [2 Timothy 2:15], and to earnestly contend for the faith [Jude 1:3], the erosion of God’s doctrines and teachings begin to set in within the church. Consequently, sin is no longer seen as an abomination unto a most Holy God – for it is only winked at – and the righteous judgments of God are cast aside. Subsequently, the church body loses sight of her only true mission – that being, God’s Great Commission [Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15]. Yes, these same churches will claim they have God’s love and that they desire to share it with all. However, they have clearly forgotten that true love must be bound between truth and discernment – based purely upon the Word of God.

Instead of being a Holy Spirit filled church body; the church becomes filled with an unholy spirit – the will of man – that turns itself into nothing more than a social gathering having a self-gratuitous nature. There’s an old saying that states, “The water outside the boat may toss it about, but only the water inside the boat will cause it to sink.” Attacks on Christianity outside the church are not our greatest danger. It is the attacks on the Word of God from within the church that will destroy the very nature of the church. Many have forgotten that the power of the church rests in the Word of God and the strength of the Lord through His Spirit. When a church body allows the Word of God to have authority over it in all its actions, the church body will have the necessary power and authority to carry out the Great Commission. However, when a church body attempts to exercise its authority over God’s Word – changing it [corrupting it] at every turn – one can be sure that the end of preaching and teaching sound doctrine is near.

May we never forget the power of God’s Word that is afforded to all who will study it, know it, live by it, and contend for the faith in it.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 states,

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”

May we never forget the following warning found in 2 Timothy 2:16,

“But shun [to avoid; not to mix or associate with; not to practice] profane [polluted; not pure] and vain [empty; worthless; having no substance, value or importance] babblings [talking idly; foolish talk]: for they will increase unto more ungodliness [wickedness; disregard of God and his commands and neglect of his worship].”

If we lose sight of the Truth found in God’s Word – we will lose sight of the need to win the lost unto the Lord; for the Scriptures state,

Romans 10:17,

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Let us uncompromisingly preach all of God’s Word.