We are dedicated to sharing the Gospel (Mark 16:15)

Human beings are fragile. We pass our time here so quickly. Our lives are loosely piled stones, ready to fall at any moment… and then there is Jesus: the Rock our Cornerstone. He holds us, sustains us, and gives us Eternity…and then there are those who build their hope on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.

Cornerstone Baptist Church invites you and your family to our services, which are dedicated to serving the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As we seek to worship and be obedient to our Lord God, Cornerstone Baptist church provides the opportunity for you and your family to build your lives, one stone at a time, upon the Cornerstone Jesus Christ and the foundational teachings of God’s Word [the Bible].

The Pastor's Corner

Pastor Ronald Howell Weekly Devotional

Raised From The Depths

Raised From The Depths

Posted by Pastor Ron on Jul 21, 2019

Some of you may recall the incident in August 2010 where 33 Chilean miners, having been 2300 feet underground for 70 days due to a mine collapse, were lifted to the surface in a 21inch wide escape pod. The world watched in prayer and hope that someone would be able to...

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Zealous In Labor

Zealous In Labor

Posted by Pastor Ron on Jul 14, 2019

A while ago I read a short biography about a man by the name of Dutton Lane. Dutton Lane was born November 7, 1732, near Baltimore, Maryland. His father (Richard Lane) was a devoted Anglican and an ardent enemy of the Baptists. One day Dutton’s older brother Tidence...

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Judged By God’s Plumbline

Judged By God’s Plumbline

Posted by Pastor Ron on Jul 7, 2019

Recently I heard a commercial on the radio which presented three scenarios: 1) What if every ruler had different measurements – how could you ever build anything that would stand true; 2) What if a tire air gauge always registered different values – some tires would...

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Independence Day

Independence Day

Posted by Pastor Ron on Jun 30, 2019

This week we will celebrate our country’s Independence Day; July 4, 1776, the day America claimed its independence from England and a republic was born. Since that historical day, millions upon millions of people from all over the globe left their homeland to come to...

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Take It Or Leave It

Take It Or Leave It

Posted by Pastor Ron on Jun 23, 2019

Some time ago I heard a radio talk show host make the following statement, “There are some things that the Pope espouses that we decide for ourselves to ‘take it or leave it’. For example, ‘abstain from pre-marital sex’ – many will decide for themselves whether to...

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Father’s Day

Father’s Day

Posted by Pastor Ron on Jun 16, 2019

This weekend we honor our fathers on Father’s Day. We can truly praise the Lord for all the fathers who have been true to their God given responsibility of being the spiritual leader and provider of their family. [Honor] is to be bestowed upon a father who not...

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Pastor Ronald Howell

Pastor Ronald and his wife Sharon

Pastor Ron Howell

Pastor Ron and his wife, Sharon, were given a burden from the Lord to plant a new church in Bolingbrook, IL, which would ultimately be called Cornerstone Baptist Church. They have dedicated their lives to this work, and God has tremendously blessed by building a loving caring congregation that has a great desire to share the love of Christ to all who walk through our doors, and would love an opportunity to personally meet you and your family this Sunday.

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Location and Service Times


Bolingbrook High School

356 Raider Way, Cafeteria – Door #17
Bolingbrook, Illinois

10am Sunday School
11am Worship Service

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