Human beings are fragile. We pass our time here so quickly. Our lives are loosely piled stones, ready to fall at any moment… and then there is Jesus: the Rock our Cornerstone. He holds us, sustains us, and gives us Eternity…and then there are those who build their hope on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
Cornerstone Baptist Church invites you and your family to our services, which are dedicated to serving the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As we seek to worship and be obedient to our Lord God, Cornerstone Baptist church provides the opportunity for you and your family to build your lives, one stone at a time, upon the Cornerstone Jesus Christ and the foundational teachings of God’s Word [the Bible].
Pastor Ronald Howell Weekly Devotional
There is a hymn that we sing that is titled, “Have Thine Own Way Lord”. It was written by Alelaide A. Pollard in 1902, which was inspired by a simple prayer of an elderly woman at a prayer meeting where she prayed: “It really doesn’t matter what you do...
Learn MoreIt is a fact that throughout one’s life many “doors” are presented for one to choose to go through. As one will discover, some “doors” will lead to opportunity for personal growth and well being – while other “doors” will lead...
Learn MoreIn Genesis 2:18-25 we find that God instituted marriage. Genesis 2:24 states, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Marriage, the binding of two into one flesh [a covenant...
Learn MoreHave you ever considered that it is most often when we are at our weakest times of our lives (whether it be emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual) that Satan comes to tempt us – in order that he might draw us to sin? For it is at our weakest moments that we are...
Learn MoreRecently I passed by a church sign that displayed, “This Week’s Sermon: I Quit”. While continuing my drive, I contemplated what the major point the sermon would try to convey. Would the pastor provide reasons why Christians quit on God; why Christians stop coming to...
Learn MoreMany (if not most) of you reading this article have a special sporting team or sporting event that you follow {albeit, football, hockey, basketball, baseball, swimming, skating, wrestling, boxing, tennis, gymnastics, bull / horseback riding, car racing, etc.}....
Learn MorePastor Ronald and his wife Sharon
Pastor Ron and his wife, Sharon, were given a burden from the Lord to plant a new church in Bolingbrook, IL, which would ultimately be called Cornerstone Baptist Church. They have dedicated their lives to this work, and God has tremendously blessed by building a loving caring congregation that has a great desire to share the love of Christ to all who walk through our doors, and would love an opportunity to personally meet you and your family this Sunday.
Listen to Recorded Sermon
356 Raider Way, Cafeteria – Door #17
Bolingbrook, Illinois
10am Sunday School
11am Worship Service